Saturday, January 28, 2006

Plagarism is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

heychris is amazing.

here is heychris' amazing poem from his amazing website of amazingness.

"just this once, be my savior."
you are not good enough.
yes you.
somewhere along the line you were taught lazy.
and god doesnt like lazy.
lazy is making the "scene".
lazy is easy and smooth.
lazy is fitting the pose.
lazy is staying docile.
lazy is mininum effort.
lazy is coloring inside the lines.
lazy is not picking up the torch.
lazy is loveless relationships.
lazy is being a coward.
lazy is fat.uneducated.
lazy is the inability to express love.
lazy is blaming everyone and taking none of the accountability.
it is irresponsible.
unmotivated and afraid.
lazy is unworthy.
and you.
in all of our self-important grandstanding are looking for nothing more than attention grabbing validation.
if i tell you you're amazing, if i tell you you're inspirational, will you take it to heart?
will you buy into my insignificant words?
and will you let them encircle your eyes with the cloud of bullshit approval.
none of us need approval.
not me.
not you.
fuck if it doesnt feel good, but fuck if you cant do better.
and i know this.
and god knows this.
and we see you.
and somewhere further down the line our parents told us we were good enough.
to take pride in ourselves.
that we only needed to be us.
thats it.
and that would be good enough.
thats not good enough.
just being yourself isnt good enough.
because you and i werent born good enough.
its not good enough to simply have strength of character.
its our responsibility to show others how.
if we arent consciously making a difference then you, my friends are a waste of potential.
and god hates wasted potential.
dont hear.
know your opposition.
make an attempt to understand.
take a stand.
use your fucking voice.
raise your fucking hand.
but do something goddammit.
because you are NOT unique and wonderful snowflakes.
unless you want to believe there are six billion unique and wonderful individuals on this planet...
you. are. living. a. lie.
as i am.
but everyday i make a promise to myself to be a little less shitty than the day before.
i know my role and i wont lie to myself anymore.
i am evil, rotten, dirty, disposable, forgettable and guilty.
but ill be damned if i let that stop me.
i will not use that as an excuse and i will take responsibility for each and every move i make.
because as long as i have a voice, a will and a heart, i will try.
despite your words of praise or criticism...
i know im capable of much more.
and i owe you better.
and today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life i will be a walking apology to you, my friends, my mom and the rest of this world.
because god hates wasted potential.
and i am not good enough.
but im trying.
goddammit im trying.


Sunday, January 22, 2006


stupid myspace.
no one ever looks at this blog anymore...
everyone looks at my stupid myspace.
if my stupid blog were on my stupid myspace, people would look at it.
Maybe i should move it.
i think i'll send out a bulletin on stupid myspace about this stupid blog.

haha i did. that is why you are reading this. case and point.

Friday, January 13, 2006


So from Morgan's blog I got to this site called Urban Dictionary. It pretty much just gives dictionary definitions for slang words. I decided to look up a few slang words very common in my (FORMER) everyday vocabulary. Noob and Woot have become very common, so I searched those.

With Dire Consequences.

What I have learned, is these two words spawn their origins in a place so dark, so.... unspeakable... That it can only be refered to as World of Warcraft. That's right, the online computer game that Torsten and Marc are so embarassingly fond of. And what did I expect? I picked up BOTH of these words from those two. I now cringe at the thought of how many times I have used these, how many times!
Just look at the post above this.

Included here are the definitions of the offending combinations of syllables, never to be uttered by this soul again.

1. noob (n)
Shortened form of "newbie," the most hilarious insult ever invented, in which a person who uses a computer game too much is ridiculing one who does not, for being "new" at the game, which of course they once were. Generally speaking, the speaker of this "insult" is one who should be on the receiving end of most insults. Commonly found in allegiance with "1337$1'331<," or "leetspeak," the accepted language of computer gaming geeks which takes a ludicrous amount of time to type.(A good deal of this definition is opinionated, given. But the definition still resides within.)
"MY ARE 1337 CRO-MAGNON H4XX0R!!! MY ARE PWN J00!!! n00b!!!"

1.Woot (int)
Originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer. However, with the term as coincides with the gamer term, "w00t"."w00t" was originally an trunicated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!" Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.
"I defeated the dark sorcerer! Woot!""woot! i r teh flagmastar!" (Think Tribes)"Woot, I pwnzed this dude's boxen!'

*Please keep my recovery and rehabilitation in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I think I've said w00t 73 times this week

I'm back in school now.

As a matter of fact, I'm back in school NOW

Sitting next to Haleykins.

She's on her Livejournal.

I'm on my blog.

We must be emo.

Funny Flash.

If I were Kenton and did those interweird things, that would be it.

Go see I must be Emo.

Its prolly on... Albino Blacksheep.

If not... someday when I'm not on a school Bess-ified compy I'll post the link.

I need to get my schedule changed.

Right Now

I'm getting out of 1st hour orchestra.

It's fat and ugly and has no friends. (With the exceptions of Lauren and Nathan of course, but I think Laurens out too so just Nathan.)

Ima go now.