Thursday, March 27, 2008

Things I Love Thursday, 3/27

I am currently on Spring Break in Southern California, which is TOTALLY my happy place, so I love a lot this week!

1. The Beach. Being from Colorado, I couldn’t possibly be further from a beach, so today was the second time ive ever seen the ocean (thefirst being when I was 10) and it was a really beautiful experience for me. i need to get a beach imported to Denver!

2. My new A-line haircut! So cute I can’t wait to surprise everyone with it!

3. Fashion Island, the most gorgeous and incredible mall ive ever been to. It’s in Newport beach, ‘The OC’ territory. Coming from it is my EXTREMELY fashion forward new outfit from Urban outfitters which I love as well!

4. Disneyland rides. They are so extravagant and detailed it blows my mind! Nods go to Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Carribean, and their amazing new Finding Nemo Submarine ride. And the fireworks and water projection shows nearly made me weep in delight!

5. Getting rejected from Claremont McKenna College, my first choice school. This sounds peculiar I know, but I think it is the universe speaking to me and putting me where I really belong. Going to Claremont McKenna would mean moving to Cali, and DU keeps me close to my amazing support system of friends and family I love so much. Plus, I love Denver itself! I could never leave it!

Honorable Mention: Pistachios. I tried them for the first time my first day in Cali, and they are officially my new favorite snack!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Weekly Resolutions: Spring Break Edition

Spring break California vacation edition!

1. Continue to drink 3+ giant water bottles a day.
2. Never (within reason) say no when the kiddies Adam and Katie want to play.
3. Take a picture of a really sick shark and a bamf whale at sea world.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

1, 2, 3, 4. [Is there a song that I hate more? >_<]

31.5 Approximate number of hours of Spanish class left
173 Number of words in my poetry essay. I need about 827 more.
96 Theoretical number of minutes I've been 'working on it.'
8 Number on a scale of 1-10 that I would rate my current headache.
0 Amount of patience I seemed to have had on my traditional 'Wednes-date' today.
5 Number of pounds I have gained this week.
10 Size of my prom dress.
14 Size I am going to need at this rate.
70 Score I got on the history DBQ. I thought that was supposed to be the class I was good at?
62 Percent of tuition offered to me in merit scholarships at my
3 rd choice school.
16 Percent odds that I will be accepted to my first choice school.
67 Number of days until I graduate
0 amount of certainty I feel about any day after that.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekly Resolutions 3/16/08

1. Finish Molly's mix CDs - a 6 disc volume of getting her into listening to indie, plus mini-biographies on the 30 bands. lol i = music geek!

2. Do nice things for my sister every day. She is in her school's production of Les Miserables, so she'll be at school till 11 every night, not to mention stressed. I remember the feeling. She could definitely enjoy her room being spontaneously cleaned or a magical breakfast to go, i think.

3. Take pictures of my gorgeous new outfits for my 100 in 1001 blog ( to work on #22.

4. Finish 3 calculus worksheets. (Left over from last week, bad Kayla!)

5. Start a new book, either Dan Brown or ...Gossip Girl.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

101 in 1001.

my new blog.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sleazy Mutant Romance!

Sir Lancelot gazed fondly into the soft blue pools of Lady Guineviere's eyes and gently held her mutant third hand. Wait, what?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things I Love Thursday! 3/13

1. I got into Denver University (2nd choice) and University of Puget Sound (3rd choice) yesterday, and I only need to wait two more weeks before I hear from Claremont McKenna . I got 50% merit scholarship at UPS too!

2. I unearthed my old gameboy and played pokemon yellow for the first time in ten years. I adore 8 year old regression time!

3. My 101 in 1001 list I'm about to cross off two by the end of the week!

4. CSAP week.

5. Planning my Senior pictures outfits! I'll post again when they've been taken.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It is Over.

It's over. The waiting, nights waking up in literally a cold sweat, terrorizing every moment that I would end up having to apply to Red Rocks because I didn't apply to any schools I could get into.

Now that's all done.

The verdict is . . . . I am IN.

to DU!

I'm going to go to college!

Now if Claremont McKenna would only let me know...
you know, I would almost be fine if they rejected me. Being close to my best friends is plenty incentive to stay in the state I like a lot anyway.
But don't take that too seriously, CMC. I still adore you.

*First sigh of relief in 6 months*

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekly Resolutions 3/10/08

1. Finish The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis. Its about Haitian zombies!
2. Let’s try this again… ten minutes of abs each day!
3. Drink at minumum 60 oz of water a day. Let’s kill that water weight!
4. Turn in CAS forms!
5. Complete two calculus worksheets!

and, if I am doing well (100%) by Friday…

6. Treat myself to this month’s Cosmopolitan!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Calculus is Fun!

Zimgirl16 (9:00:51 PM): lol what -is- the derivative of sin? like, of sex before marriage?
Yozri Yirgg (9:01:35 PM): well, you'd have to find the slope
Yozri Yirgg (9:01:38 PM): which'd be tough
Yozri Yirgg (9:01:44 PM): unless you had a sex ramp

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Things I Love Thursday!

1. Spike from Buffy! The cheekbones....
2. The fact that even if it is catastrophic, my Spanish oral will be O-V-E-R after 11:30am tomorrow!
3. El Espinada del Diablo y El Labrinto del Fauno (Pan's Labrynth), while on the subject of my Spanish oral. At least it is over movies I love!
4. Studying the Cold War now in history! *geek*
5. My new fish! He is a blue betta named Icky, short for Ichthyopod (means fish in geek speak) I've never had one before, I had to get him for a biology experiment, and i didn't have the heart to give him away. any fish tips for a first-timer?
6. The Serpent and The Rainbow by Wade Davis. About Haitian zombies. ZOMBIES ARE REAL!
7. America's Next Top Model (I can't believe they kicked off Allison for being bitchy! A total first time for ANTM... I kinda like the sassy ones...)
8. Starbucks' new honey lattes! I kind of had two today... lol not so good for the calorie count but AWESOME for the taste buds.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


are ugly.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Weekly Resolutions

1. Do 10 minutes of pilates ab work every day (satin prom dress satin prom dress!)

2. Finish CAS.

3. Do AT LEAST 4 calculus problems per worksheet IN CLASS

4. Wear creative makeup one day this week

5. Practice my Spanish oral about Guillermo del Toro every day until Thursday!