Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Things I Love Thursday!

1. Spike from Buffy! The cheekbones....
2. The fact that even if it is catastrophic, my Spanish oral will be O-V-E-R after 11:30am tomorrow!
3. El Espinada del Diablo y El Labrinto del Fauno (Pan's Labrynth), while on the subject of my Spanish oral. At least it is over movies I love!
4. Studying the Cold War now in history! *geek*
5. My new fish! He is a blue betta named Icky, short for Ichthyopod (means fish in geek speak) I've never had one before, I had to get him for a biology experiment, and i didn't have the heart to give him away. any fish tips for a first-timer?
6. The Serpent and The Rainbow by Wade Davis. About Haitian zombies. ZOMBIES ARE REAL!
7. America's Next Top Model (I can't believe they kicked off Allison for being bitchy! A total first time for ANTM... I kinda like the sassy ones...)
8. Starbucks' new honey lattes! I kind of had two today... lol not so good for the calorie count but AWESOME for the taste buds.


Anonymous said...

3. typos! ah the horror!
4. yay geeks!
5. betas are pretty. yay geeks again! fish tip: keep him somewhere in your house that needs more happiness, like by your desk where you do awful evil ib homework.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kayla,

You are fabulous and I feel like I haven't seen you all week. We totally have time to go to broadway during third....yes?!