Wednesday, February 06, 2008

you CRAZY-ass!

"Not only do I not want a North American Union, I want us out of the U.N., the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, UNICEF, AFTA and CAFTA. NAFTA has nothing to do for free trade. … [Free trade] is very, very important, but you don't get that by world government."

-Ron Paul

Opposes reauthorization of the assault weapons ban. Opposes mandatory trigger locks for handguns. Opposes waiting periods for gun purchases. Owns a variety of firearms. NRA member. Has a concealed carry permit.


Lauren said...

actually, ron paul may have a point... NAFTA has done shit for Mexico and the rest of Latin America; it's basically only increased the severe dependency already in place. and the IMF isn't much better - the US holds almost 1/5 of the power, so it's pretty much not at all an equal-distribution internationally-egalitarian type thing. the world bank could use some revamping, too... i think we need to rethink all of our global systems, NGOs and IGOs alike. the current ones are well-intentioned, but we need to make them more effective.
BUT i'm still gonna vote for Obama.

p.s. ...sorry for the rant - Cultural Anthropology class and that weekly CHe Guevara seminar are turning me into quite the little extremist.

Kayla said...

all well and good, but the bits in bold are what i was going for. I remain pro- Unicef.

Lauren said...

good call.

titothegreat said...

i despise ron paul