Thursday, May 15, 2008

This can't be right...

Wait, you're telling me I'm done?
I'm finished.
No more studying.
Even if I felt like being proactive and studious, nothing left to study?
No more homework?
No more IAs?
Extended Essays?
I don't have to have panic attacks this summer about said essays?
No more HL biology?
I can read what I want?
I can play freaking GUITAR HERO?
I seriously have time to play Guitar Hero???
In seven days, no more Cat??
I am actually, honest to God, truly and really

Jeez, I'm going to miss it. Masochist?


Lauren said...

...weirdest feeling in the world.

titothegreat said...

it IS weird. i can't believe we're on summer break, and that when it's over we aren't going back to lakewood. and you know what the best part is? NO. MORE. CAT. EVER.