Monday, May 15, 2006

Whenever I stress out about whatever, when I have 3384732 different things giving me anxiety attacks, I find the best way to deal is to not think about any of it. I'm serious, ignoring yourself is a totally viable solution to plagues of the mind. Next time your head is filled with anxious thoughts, simply take note of it, thank your mind for trying to ensure your survival, and then act as if you just got a stock tip from a homeless person. Of course, ignoring fear messages no longer applies when you're in line at the post office and the guy behind you is hiding something beneath a large overcoat and audibly talking to God.


Lauren said...

ignoring oneself is definetly a great way to deal with feelings (or just make them go away). i'm thinking it might not be so great fo rthose of us who do it once we can't bury our feelings any longer and they come bursting out, though...

p.s. word verification: cpolgcon