Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ramblings of a Tuesday Evening

Right now I am one of the maybe 5 kids in the IB Junior class who aren't at Joel Jolly's standup show. Makes you feel special to know that 'the place to be' is right where you aren't. I need to make friends with more juniors, anyway.

All the speakers in my house are useless. Bose iPod deck, I'll see you when I have $400 to blow on you!

One sec, I'm going to go find another keyboard, this one's k, comma, and period keys don't ever work.

I'm so glad we have a break. I need a break from having to, you know, make human contact. I confuse myself as a pasttime. It's a good thing no one person is clued in to all my swings all the time or else they'd have me committed. Or consider me the least genuine person in existance and decide not to ever take me seriously again. I don't know what does it to me. Why is it that I can be so utterly convinced of something to the point that I'm willing to act on any stupid impulse, and then the next day completely abandon that train of thought/emotion and just move on to the next ridiculousness? How do I even know for myself whats real and whats just my usual brand of overboard dramatics? I should consider a consultant panel. They'll be all business people like, dressing in suits and all with breifcases and blackberries and the like, and when I'm being an idiot they will tell me so. But they have to start every sentence with 'the board advises..." Like, " The board advises you do not declare a smackdown with your ex's current, as it is possible ensuing eye-poking will be frowned upon by the investors (everybody you know)" or even better, "the board advises you do not join freaking WINTER GUARD, as you will look ridiculous in spandex, but not as ridiculous as the somewhat unpleasant girls with whom you will make your association. The investors will abandon ship."

I'm to the state of mind where the idea of vampires (no joke) gave me a serious existential crisis. I was sitting there watching Liz read her cheesy vampire romance novel (at least I'm not to this point) and the last line was 'Life can be a blast, even if you're dead." and I'm sitting there freaking out over what the author considered to be dead, because if he is having such a good time among living things he must be functioning and living in the living world and yeah pretty much i caught myself around there with a WTF ARE YOU DOING moment and returned to my bio lab.

Just another example of my scattered brainededness. Thus with my note to myself a few blogs ago, I really need to get my priorities straight because this is INDEED getting ridiculous.

On another note.....

A G sharp.

A terrible note, don't you think? Whether it is indeed a G sharp or an A flat, it still means its in a key I suck at.

A better note:

E natural.

Harris has yet to post our chairs. I want to be above Ruth. And Leah, I may as well come out and say it.

There is a bulletin board in the hallway at school that has this inequality:
3x>or= -7
I solve it every day.
x>or= -7/3

Emma is going to be in Seattle for 5 days. I think I should've gone with her, then we could look at prospective colleges, twould be awesome. Also, there is a Decemberists show up there this week. I wonder if she'll see it?

Dr. Zhivago sucks monkey face.


Anonymous said...

OH COME ON! G sharps and A flats are easy. It's when you have those damn B double flats that screw with your mind. why would someone do that? WHY!?!

Anonymous said...

Much luffs to Kayla, no matter how irrational she can be. :D

titothegreat said...

sorry about my 'the place to be' comment... that was lame. it was good, but not THAT good. not good enough to wallow over. plus a certain icky couple was exceedingly irritating, as usual. i missed you in seattle, but instead of looking at colleges, i sat around the house wishing my family wasn't too stingy to do something fun. it wasn't that great. i envy you for being here the whole time, sticky k or no.

Anonymous said...

annie has a blogger blog! wooooooot!
that is all she has to say though, so... yeah.