Sunday, October 14, 2007

Love Letters

Dear Amanda,
It's beyond awesome that one can be born with a readymade best friend who is as rocking awesome as you are. I feel so lucky that I just -get- this fantastic girl who is basically funnier than anyone I will ever meet, hotter than a fox (which is just a bonus when walking around in public - residual check-outs, you know) AND who I can have in-depth conversations with at distances of across a 100 yard concert hall. Also, we rock because us screaming at each other and kicking smalls of backs is now simply a tool of general stress relief, and you will still clean my room before Mom gets home if I need it. Well, sometimes. How awesome that I can't concievably ever fall out with you!

Dear Emma,
If there is one thing we do really really well, it is persevere. Its probably because we are both so god damn stubborn, but it will take a hell of a lot for us to ever stop being bee eff effs. Its going on six years that we have been a singular entity, and a total of nine years of dirt and the like that we have on each other. We are never in anything on our own, because we have grown up loving and helping each other through everything that has been thrown at us, and that has definetly included some serious curve balls. (sidenote: I should not watch the Rockies while writing my best friend a love letter.) But I digress. I couldn't do this without you, emmala. This is the kind of thing I intend on keeping for as long as humanly possible (read: fo eva!)

Dear Ian,
I love you so so SO much. We haven't had an easy go of it, overall. We had to really work at this, but all that work just makes being with you that much sweeter, because we have had to really earn it. We are totally devoted to each other, and I can't imagine how empty my life would be without you in it. As far as all the rest of your friends go, we all admire you for how unwaveringly kind you are. I know you don't always see that as a good thing because yes, it can get you taken advantage of, but if someone needs you, you will do anything for them. A friend of yours could never feel unwanted or unsure that you are the most genuine person they know. You have the status of my only love, which means I am completely yours. (So whaddya say... wanna date? lol)

Dear Alli,
It was really hard to write that letter about you, because it didn't cut it to say (truthfully) that you really are unique in every way. You are loving and loyal to be sure, but throw on top of that witty, exciting, imaginative, playful and insightful in everything you do. At the same time. Whilst juggling. I don't care if we're on opposite coasts next year, you are fantastic enough to fill up the whole stupid middle! All the time I spend with you stands out sharply in my memory, because for you nothing is ever regular or ordinary. A huge chunk of what I remember as high school will be the times I spent with you, perusing Broadway, making pies, being broken at pit, being called a slut at vampire movies with you and also our favorite activity of mocking everything in sight... You make up a huge part of me, and that can never change.

Dear Kelsey,
A gangsta-ass nigga plays her cards right! (um, that'd be you.) I know I love you because I know you would have giggled had you read the word 'whilst' above. I love you because you can make fun of me (and I you) to no ends, and we'll just laugh harder. I love that the first night we spent together by ourselves, we ended up in a place called Barbara Ann drive. And most of all, I admire you because you will always be surrounded with people you love because you value your friends above all else. As we do you.

Dear Annie,
You really deserve a best friend status, because we only see each other steadily for one twentyfirst of the year, and regardless we always pick up just where we left off. You get me amazingly well, and I love everything about you, for real. Whether we are coffeeing at our semi-monthly coffee date or over taping the taut tarps, we have a blast. Everything you do is heartfelt and passionate. You will really the next great American writer, a lot because of that. You open up, and put yourself so far on the line that I could never imagine being so brave. I know I can always trust you and that we will always be there for each other to lean on.

Dear Jake,
I have never seen you do a mean thing. Wow. I got to be really close with you suprisingly fast, considering we used to only see each other maybe once every two months before FRYS started. You deserve the world, because that is what you give to your friends. All the rest of us can do is try to keep up with you, and maybe even learn from your example of what a best friend should be.

Dear Danielle,
I got a big sister at 17 years old. And she is everything a fantastic one should be. While we are always the first to admit we are SO the unlikeliest of friends, I think the adverse circumstances we overcame to get here really show that we aren't the fairweather type. I can always come to you with things I can barely even admit to myself, and you can always help me rationalize and decompress and generally come out of any of our discussions a better person. I wish I could give to you as much as you give to me, but for now I'll just have to continue working on your Christmas present I've started ;-)

Dear Ben,
I came back to my favorite place in the world this summer, and you were one of the two people that made it what it was this time around. It was different for both of us this year, but we had each other through it, and that built up a huge trust between us. I miss you so much! Its not fair that we have so much going on right now that I can't even talk to one of my best friends in the world, just because you live a state away. You would be fascinated how much my friends at school have heard about 'my best friend Ben from LEP', and that is because you are so unique that after knowing you I see things with your spin on them, that spin being one of pure awesome.

Dear Lauren (Golder),
Every one of our mutual friends always talks about you with close to downright reverence. You really are a goddess! We never take ourselves too seriously (hoot! we're owls!), refuse to take others who take themselves too seriously too seriously (bono!), and we always have the time of our lives together. You live one-hundred percent for yourself, and that makes you unlike anyone else I know. You were totally shocked when I told you you are (well, were) intimidating, but that is just because people don't really know what to do when they're faced with real individuality.

Dear Lane,
I am nothing but comfortable around you. I could be having the shittiest of ever-so-shitty days, and you are always the one to smile and wave at me and act genuinely excited to see me, as I always am to see you! Your sense of humor and your friendliness and especially your sky-high self esteem leave everyone around you feeling like life really can be fun, if you let it be. I unwind whenever I'm with you, and its great to be able to have a friend like that. Oh, and you will make a BEYOND excellent vampire for aych-ay-double ell-oh ween!

Dear Lauren (Scott),
It was a little surprising to me that when I was counting off in my head the people who make my life worth living, you were way up here. And that's saying nothing about how amazing of a friend you are, because you really are one of my favorite people. Can anyone who has ever met you honestly say you've never made them laugh till they've cried? You know who you are, and if people don't like it you will be the first to flip them the bird, and that is the kind of attitude we all sometimes wish we could live by. You're really the least fake person I know, which is really hard to believe from an outsider's perspective, because it doesn't seem right that one person could be so BOMBastic! Also, its awesome that to you 'grubass' means delicious. I love Lauren speak!

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love,
The Person Whose Life You All Make Worth Living.


Anonymous said...

I've decided that you're way too good to me! (Aw! That so made my day, just so you know)
