Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Have About 16 Hours Left In My House...

Oh my God.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why Clinton is my favorite president:

"People in this world have always been more inspired by the power of our example than by the example of our power."
- Bill Clinton, DNC speech 28 August 2008

Well, hopefully my second favorite president as of the day after this election!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Democrats in the HIZOUSE!

Today I marked off a huge dream of mine since I was about 14 - I volunteered at and got into the Democratic National Convention, which is oh-so-luckily right here in Denver! After getting up at the ungodly hour of 6am and bussing into Market Station, I met up with the Rock The Vote bus group,

they tossed me a t-shirt and a stack of postcards, and sent me off into the great unknown. Which was actually that door at the convention center with the big blue bear.

I canvassed here for a few hours, only to be interrupted by these clowns headed for me at the crosswalk:

Don't they seem a little lost? I did, but when my partner started giving them directions to Minneapolis-St Paul, they seemed miffed. They proceeded to chant "Drill Here, Drill Now" on the corner, which caused the usually packed sidewalk to do this:

with an outer ring of glaring Obamaites. Good thing -we- actually value free speech, eh? I wonder what would happen to Obama demonstrators in St Paul. Another gross group was the anti-abortion league, a bunch of 'priests' with megaphones and pictures of dead aborted fetuses. No pictures of them, for obvious disgusting reasons.

Finally, I got invited to the Youth Voters press conference which was actually IN the convention center, a place I never thought I would get into. I thought you needed all sorts of fancy passes to get in, but it turns out most events are open to the public. Yay!

Last but not least, the SWAG of the day, from the lovely ladies at Planned Parenthood. <3!

Political prophylactics!

It was lovely and exciting and historical and I can't wait to go back Wednesday!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

On My Dental Predicament -

I seem to be down four full grown wisdom teeth, as it were.
However, the experience of the Valium I made them give me plus the nitrous oxide plus the fact that they let me watch The Incredibles during the procedure made the whole thing seem awfully hilarious.
Plus, what could be bad about eating nothing but jello, pudding and gravy for a few days! (Okay, not technically gravy, but that is the more common use for cream of mushroom!)
I can't imagine why anyone would want to take vicodin if they didn't have to. Far from getting one high, all they seem to do is make me sleepy and nauseous. Ridiculous!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cutest. Thing. Ever.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

200th post - time for self-examination!

According to this ( VIA Signature Strengths test, out of 24 areas, my four strongest strengthy strengths are:

1. Love of Learning
2. Capacity to Love and be Loved
3. Kindness and Generosity
4. Humor and Playfulness

and my weakest, weakly weaknesses are (least to most sucky)

4. Self-control and Self-regulation (they asked a lot of questions about dieting! EW!)
3. Spirituality and Faith
2. Forgiveness and Mercy
1. Modesty and Humility

Fair? I think so. Curious what you guys think, open fire so to speak! and if you feel like taking the test yourself, go for it! If the link doesn't work, just google the test name!

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Commissioner Gordon is totally Sirius Black, guys.

Yes, I just noticed that.

101 in 1001 Update:

17/101 Finished!
