Wednesday, August 13, 2008

200th post - time for self-examination!

According to this ( VIA Signature Strengths test, out of 24 areas, my four strongest strengthy strengths are:

1. Love of Learning
2. Capacity to Love and be Loved
3. Kindness and Generosity
4. Humor and Playfulness

and my weakest, weakly weaknesses are (least to most sucky)

4. Self-control and Self-regulation (they asked a lot of questions about dieting! EW!)
3. Spirituality and Faith
2. Forgiveness and Mercy
1. Modesty and Humility

Fair? I think so. Curious what you guys think, open fire so to speak! and if you feel like taking the test yourself, go for it! If the link doesn't work, just google the test name!


Lane Abshire said...

1. Appreciation of beauty and excellence
2. Humor and playfulness
3. Curiosity and Interest in the World
4. Bravery and valor (haha)

4. Industry and diligence
3. Forgiveness and mercy
2. Caution, prudence and discretion
1. Modesty and humility

i'd say it's reasonably accurate...

Anonymous said...

1. bravery and valour (hm?)
2. capacity to love and be loved
3. love of learning
4. curiosity and interest in the world

4. forgiveness and mercy (mwahaha)
3. spirituality/sense of purpose/faith
2. caution, prudence and discretion
1. modesty and humility

i liked it. lack of modesty, discretion and forgiveness are classic morgan traits.

Kayla said...

I love it, myself and all my friends are all cocky grudge-holders!

Lane, I think its got your strengths dead on! and Morgan, while I'm not sure I've ever seen you in a suit of armor, you are the only person I've ever known to go overseas by themselves!

titothegreat said...

actually you are pretty forgiving in my experience... and also rather modest except when it comes to your taste in music, but i think we've agreed that that's kind of its own story. love you!