Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So, As Far As The Last Six Months Go...

I give up.
I'm officially done.
He won't talk to me, won't answer my messages, god forbid ever even acknowledge my freaking presence when I actually CAN get his attention.
The last time I saw him it felt like he was trying to get away as fast as possible. Ironically enough, if it weren't for her he probably wouldn't have even turned around when I wanted to say goodbye to him.
Hell yeah, I miss him. But its starting to be hard to remember why.
I don't know... maybe he's always been like this and I didn't want to see it. I always blamed it on her, but if it WASNT for her, he would've taken off without so much as a 'see ya next fall' after graduation. I have already totally accepted there's nothing i could ever do about her. I even started liking her again. After all, I liked her an awful lot before all of this, and I shouldn't hold it against her that she went after what she wanted and got it. I had my shot.
So I'm cool with the fact that I'm not ever going to be with him. But then if we're friends, you still don't ignore friends' messages and calls and tell them you probably won't see them all summer and you DEFINETLY don't FORGET THEM AT SCHOOL WHEN YOU HAVE INVITED THEM SOMEWHERE!!!!
I wish I could outright ask him if he's been intentionally ignoring me and trying to stay away from me. I mean, we used to talk almost every night. I would like to know if I'm right about this. But what if I'm really wrong, and then he thinks that I feel like that. Or if I'm right. That's almost worse to know for sure. What if he says, "yeah, I've actually been meaning to tell you to back the hell off and stop irritating me." Talk about major devestation.
Why does this all have to be so damn complicated?
No clue.
So basically, for my efforts of the last six months, everything I've gone through over all of it.......
I quit.
Here's my notice.
I'm so done.


titothegreat said...

As much as it pains me to say this - because I wanted this for you! - I think you're right here. It's probably time to move on, because now as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't deserve you. Look:

He = newb.

You = not newb.


Anyway, I love you more than life itself. Be happy.