Sunday, April 01, 2007

Even if I'm not a real Christian, religion doesn't deserve this... and his facts are all wrong.

So I Got this as a myspace bulletin from three guys I'm friends with there and got a bit... Defensive. This Was the bulletin -

98% of teens are so devoted to their religion, they start religious bulletins. 2% of teens think the other 98% should shut up and quit posting these religious bulletins.

one of the main causes for war is religion
-during the crusades, the catholics went to kill all the arabs and take isreal for their own because......they thought it was their god given right

-WWII was the product of adolf hitler killing off the jews....because that was their religion

-the war with terror is really a country full of christians pissed off at a country full of muslims, who are pissed off with the christians

-jesus christ never told anyone to build a belief system off of him.

-the higher powers in the church or any belief tell the followers whatever they want them to think, they tell you what is right, they tell you what is wrong. they are as corrupt as polititions (can anyone say child molestation)

-when some one insults your religion, do you stick up for it?
no, its a belief system, their ideas, and usually not yours. most of the time the religions, morals, and beliefs you stick up for are not even your own, their someone else's, and that person got them into your head.

-fuck religion, get your own beliefs, if religion was so great, it wouldn't cause half the worlds wars,because religion is just another word for control, control over you, control over the masses

fuck religion, its better off dead, (theocide)

if you think religion should no longer exist repost as "jesus christ"
And this was my reply:

So where exactly did that made up 'statistic' come from? You really think 98% of American teenagers have a religion? or aren't too scared to admit it to anyone? Also, do some research, Nazi Germany wasn't Christian, and Jews were exterminated because of their race, not religion. Converted Jews didn't escape gas chambers, they were persecuted for not being Aryan Germans.
I won't argue that holy wars tend to be the most bloody, or that some church officials can be corrupt, but that doesn't make the -religions- the bad element. most religions are based on principles on leading lives based on these principles - look at what Christ taught; love and respect and forgiveness and kindness. Other than the select few who take things wrong or too far, who is to say someone who believes in Christ is 'mind controlled' or any less deserving of respect than anyone else? Religion itself isn't to blame, religion is often a beautiful thing. Don't let the violent and ignorant (who would be violent and ignorant no matter if they were religious or not) condemn something that helps so many people and generally has decent ideas on its own.


Kayla said...

And his reply:

well to tell you the truth, that bulletin doesnt correctly convey my opinion-- so i'm not going to argue on behalf of it, but in my own opinion, religion isnt necessarily a bad thing, but it would help for it to be abolished... and yes, religion is often beautiful and often the only reasonable way to have the majority of people adopt good life philosophy...

sadly, people dont look at religion as a philosophy, but more of a belief, and take it to the point of zealotry and fanaticism... i'm not saying all religious people are fanatics, but anyone who takes religion, or at least the supernatural aspect of it too seriously is a fanatic in some degree

religion (modern religion) was created to get selfish people to adopt a more selfless way of life, styled after such examples as jesus, but without a system of rewards and punishments, people would not willingly work towards it... that was a mistake from the beginning... it was a good idea, but there would've been other ways about it... especially when people start to act drastically on behalf of those supposed beliefs

but as well established as religion is now, a sudden change, such as the "disproving" of god, or totally abolishing religion would create chaos... and... would be... bad.

heh, now that i look back on it, that bulletin was stupid.

ah well.

eh, i just wish all people could live a life of compassion, harmony, and love, but... i dont see that happening.

Lane Abshire said...

yay for using your head. i pretty much agree, religion isn't really a bad thing, people generally are though. i think religions should be viewd as philosophy as well, it makes it easier to add what you like to your own philosphy. but basically i just wanted to congradulate you on thinking.

titothegreat said...

what a moronface. myspace is retarded. our lives would all be so much easier if we couldn't keep tabs on everyone all the time.