Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I keep writing imaginary blogs... They never end up here, oddly enough.

To elaborate, I couldve sworn I wrote about 3 other blogs since the layout change, but I always forget to actually write them down and then they do not end up here. Catch up with myself time.

A fifteen? Yes, please.

1. Miss Cheese is messing with us. I can't find any IB jewelry -anywhere.-
2. You're finally fading out, and it couldn't have come a moment too soon. Make sure not to send a postcard from wherever the hell you end up, no one's going to care to read it (if all goes as it should.)
3. I find that hilarious, just because its you. Ian was totally horrified though.
4. You're tricky to figure out... you aren't an angel, but how bad do you go? Does it bother me? Who knows.
5. I guess karmic retribution is pretty swift with you. You try to do that a second time, and both of them are pretty much gone in an instant. But you looked way too miserable today for me to think you really deserved it that much.
6. You know what I decided? I do want to go. I'll even get you a cute present. Why is it any of my business what you do or who you do it with? Also I feel like a moron for ever believing him.
7. The first one is shady, the second one can't help it, and the third one kind of gets screwed in every direction here. That's shitty. You totally don't need that.
8. It was worth it, bunches of times over. The last two weeks have been more than I could've ever wished for.
9. Hey, I really think you should go for it. Shes pretty much the catchiest catch one can catch. She talks about you so adorably - so that's what it was like to like you, eh? Makes sense. But yeah, anyway, if it happens I guarantee you you're in for a fantastic next couple months.
10. You are amazing. I can't wait to see you. Thank you so much for this slice of amazingness. I love the cover. And the bali-wood like vocals on Coat Check Dream Song. Jeez.



titothegreat said...

hehe. i wish 9 read blogs.

Annie said...

there's an ib jewelry at thornton high. kristin's in it. it's hell. stop looking for it.

Annie said...
