Monday, January 07, 2008

Dear 2008,

Hey, hey hey. I really think we've started off on the wrong foot here, 2008. I was innocently looking forward to you as much as the next guy, and what do I get? Two hours into you you smack me with a fever of 103.2, and the very next day you smack me with wonderful news that will keep me bedridden for the rest of your first week, and now you've convinced me to give up on music school?
Now, I don't think this is quite fair.
I've got nothing against you, 2008! In fact, you could say I've been counting down to you for twelve years; I graduate in you, I become an adult in you, I go to college in you! I'm pretty fond of you, in theory! So whats with the playa hatin'? Believe me, the last thing I need is a shitty 2008, so why don't we start over? And maybe set down some more ground rules:
1. NO MORE wonky diseases.
2. No dumb immatureness fights. I would like to actually leave high school entirely in you and not carry on that little aspect.
3. If possible, no world wars or epidemics? This may be asking a lot, but I really do have a lot on my plate already.
4. No heartbreak! None for me, none for my friends, none for anyone!
5. Goodish grades? Please?
6. No new bitches and/or hoes. The old ones will suffice.
7. No financial hardship beyond normal college poorness.
8. A little inspiration? This is a biggie.
9. Maturity for me!
10. As for my friends, I'm pretty good with them. Please do not be evil to them either.

Thank you, 2008, and I'm sure if we can both follow these little guidelines things will shape up in a hurry.

P.S. Oh and THANKS for making me think we went back to school on the 9th! lies, all lies.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, 2008, you better listen up! or else....