Friday, September 05, 2008

...The College Post

Here I am, eh?
After all the thinking and applying and agonizing and packing and angst, I'm here.
And I pretty much adore it.
I think I took too much stock in stories I had heard in the past about college... the people are boring and disengaged and stupid, the rooms are unlivable, the food is inedible... but I don't believe a word of it.
This is the first time in three if not four years that I have actually felt friendly. As high school ended, I had four absolutely amazing wouldn't-trade-for-the-world best friends. But now, it's different. I have literally not met one new person here who I do not like. Think about that, think about who is saying that! We all know I am a huge bitch! Or at least I tend to despise the masses. But here, the masses are not half bad. I've got about ten friends who I could spend infinite time with, and would if we didn't force ourselves to go to bed at the end of the night. We've talked politics, philosophy, TV, sex/drugs/alcohol and played with photo booth for an hour at a time. We mock the misery that was PlayFair, we laud our seminar class (mine's Buffy!) and generally, it's pretty amazing. Not only do I feel great surrounded by all this, but I actually think I am getting -healthier-, rather than fatter as most freshmen get.

So scheduling was sort of like the nuclear winter. When you are literally the last group of 20 to register for classes, out of a class of 1100 into classes that hold about 20 people, the only things left for us are the cockroaches, so to speak. Thanks to some tricky fanangling and two amazing professors, I might have it down, but we'll see when we get to class next week...
...which I am dreading because I have no books, no computer, and not a cent with which to buy them. The Fucktarded people at Chase Loans are not to be trusted! If I'm going to be $19,000 in debt for this year alone, I had better be able to actually USE that money, doncha think???

Well, whining accomplished. I have been holed up in the computer lab long enough, (although to be fair, it is my first time on one in a week) its about time that I see if any of these fine people want to hit the Merc tonight. Toodles, and wish me luck for scary classeses!