Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Damn it all to hell

Oh my god I cannot handle this…

And what’s worse is that it’s really one hundred percent my fault.

So this may sound dramatic for just homework problems. But not if you’re IB.

I not only have a fucking HARD history essay to write, but my chemistry grade is going to die. In class Monday I TOTALLY misunderstood our directions, thusly not turning in a whole LAB because I simply didn’t know I had to, and grabbing the WRONG lab for my formal write-up tonight (the one I brought home is the one I was supposed to turn in Monday.) So here I am, lab-less, my lab partner MIA or not answering her phone, all with an impossible history essay due FIRST HOUR as well. And two hours in which to sort it all out.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Quote of... Whenever I Feel Like It

"Ha, ha, you read books."
-Bart to Lisa on tonights Simpsons.

Am I Mean?

K Is it mean to mock really really bad poetry? I found this one on myspace...


Smashing in the innocence,
Leave me here with only this.
The deception of the unborn,
The fury of the over worn.

Their innocence disappears,
There use to be once music to their ears.
Smashed like a nail in wood,
There was something that always could.

Take away the sweet sounds of laughter,
And listen to the world after.
Take away their toys at play,
Watch them closely after that day.

The point is all is lost,
And put on shelves for a pricey cost.
The price of the sound of the world happy,
Shouldn’t be regretted, because one day the world will be lost,
And crappy.

pardon me but OMFG ROTFWL

need more yucky online acronyms? didnt think so.



I went with Julia, Alli, Nathan, Morgan and Cacia to see Apocalyptica at the Bluebird, and it was effing INCREDIBLE.

For those of you not yet blessed enough to have heard Apocalyptica, it goes like this.

*Crazy Metal music
*Played on cellos. (celli if you feel like being all grammatical like)
*One of them is a German robot Matrixy guy who never shows emotion.
*One is hot.
*They are Finnish.


< http://www.apocalyptica.com >

Go there and frolic.

Ha, ha you read books.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The First Sucky Thing to Really Happen on What Sucks Today

This is really the first sucky thing to happen on this blog since like last spring, but it is REALLY sucky...

Jordan dumped my ass.

I was so happy, too. I went out with him Saturday, and I really had a great time. I was entirely looking forward to like a decent run with that boy.

But noooooooooooo.......

And now my tres sexy homecoming dress is like totally wasted. I mean I'm still going to homecoming of course, but who really cares how hot I look there?

This is so... bad. I really don't want this to be over... but I guess I get no say in it.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

From Toothpaste for Dinner

Hee so I was being nosy in some of my friends' blogs, and I saw Lauren say there existed a webcomic BETTER than questionable content. Such words are surely blasphemy. But I figured I'd check it out anyway... so here is my favorite one (Tho qC still owns me soul, sorry Lauren...)


So heres the link and if it doesn't pop up I'll tell you what it says:

"Sometimes I take a carton of eggs out of the fridge and look at it and think that maybe one day I'll crack an egg and a little baby chicken will fall out, and I'll wash him off and raise him indoors
and then... then I'll have a friend."

Saturday, September 10, 2005

People are Strange

People are strange
when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly
when you're alone
Women seem wicked
when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven
when you're down
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

I'm telling you, this is an incredible song. No doubt The Doors are SO KICKASS.


Ha, last night I dragged out my SEP phone list and talked to Ayli for about 3 hours.... It was great, we looked at our old SEP memory books and laughed our asses off at how little Jeff looks in 2002, that kinda thing. I am SO HAPPY I get to see her tomorrow! I'm shopping 4 my homecoming dress with her, Emma and Ayli's friend Nikki, who I am stoked to meet! Ack, cuz of that, I have to go clean my grandma's to earn some more moolah to get a hott with two t's dress, so I am off!

-Kayla (is STRAAAAANGE! (yay doors!))

Monday, September 05, 2005


ificouldfly08 [6:49 PM]: being sad in the dark listening to mcr isnt emo though
Zimgirl16 [6:50 PM]:
hon, there is nothing more emo in the world
Zimgirl16 [6:50 PM]: you could be connor oberst drowning in black hair dye whilst livejournaling about a shitty breakup and you wouldnt be as emo as that

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Wow so I haven't written here since like BEFORE school started! Ack I suck. o well, you'll get over it.

So I have ginormously awesome news!



It was soooo great he gave me this heart-shaped note and everything...
I don't think I've really told anyone cept Emma and Cat and the like, but I've liked hin the entire time I've known him, and this really kinda came out of nowhere, which was pretty cool, it makes me relativly certain he likes me, where as if I had asked him I would just think that he panic-yessed me.


Who am I kidding, I haven't thought about anything else since he asked me 8th hour... one track mind, what can I say...

-Kayla, who is quite a happy kid right now