Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Damn it all to hell

Oh my god I cannot handle this…

And what’s worse is that it’s really one hundred percent my fault.

So this may sound dramatic for just homework problems. But not if you’re IB.

I not only have a fucking HARD history essay to write, but my chemistry grade is going to die. In class Monday I TOTALLY misunderstood our directions, thusly not turning in a whole LAB because I simply didn’t know I had to, and grabbing the WRONG lab for my formal write-up tonight (the one I brought home is the one I was supposed to turn in Monday.) So here I am, lab-less, my lab partner MIA or not answering her phone, all with an impossible history essay due FIRST HOUR as well. And two hours in which to sort it all out.


Lauren said...

aaarrrgggh! that is sucktastic, kayla! good luck sorting it all out...and just remember that ib isnt worth it and will kill us all! woo!

Nicole said...

Hey, my Chem grade is totally going to die, as well, but that's just because I never pay attention when we're 'sposed to be taking notes. Instead, I think about snowboarding and drama club.