Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Letters From LEP - 4 months later

This is the letter I wrote to myself four months ago while having the time of my life at LEP, which was delivered to me today. I really, really needed it. I like remembering that at one point, I had confidence and felt worth it.

Hey Stranger,
Four months ago, you were having a great time. You may now be reaching the winter doldrums, but I hope this letter cheers you up if that's the case. I usually tell you about me, but it is so intruiguing that I know nothing about you. How is IB? The orchestra? Did Beauty and the Beast go beautifully? Do you have a boyfriend? Is he someone I know? What about for the rest of school?
Have you called everyone from LEP? Okay, if you haven't, drop this letter right now, this instant. Call Corynn and go to a concert. Go climb something with Maddy and Paul. For God's sake, have a sleepover!
Are the movies done? Does everyone have one?
What are you listening to? Right now its Fall Out Boy. Yesterday, all Death Cab.
At LEP you are open. You communicate. You are funny. You like Amanda( does she have braces? I hope not.....)
You fling sticky frisbees at the ceiling for hours.
You paint your nails every four days and dress quite excellently.
You are confident.
Are you?
You are your own limitation, you know.
Trust people. No matter where your friends are in the circle, someone will always be there to catch you.
You've eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Don't fret. You're a pretty cool kid, no matter how your current situation may be making you feel. I hope you believe in me as much as I believe in you.



Anonymous said...

Kayla. YOU know you're awesome. As does everyone around you, like me.
You should know you're one of my very favorite people of all time. Just don't forget that, kay?

Kayla said...

Who are you? You sure are nice.