Friday, January 25, 2008

15 'gain.

1. Maybe you aren't so good for me. Maybe you fuck with me just a liiiitle too much.
2. You are going to be hella pissed at us, but I hope we are still friends after!
3. Since when do you KNOW that I hate you? I am supposed to be the bitch to -you-, not the other way around!
4. You are so yucky. What was I thinking? I guess I didn't have to be around you too much.
5. You do -want- to make things the way they were again, right? An off hour difference shouldn't be enough to do this much damage.
6. Oh grandma, what blue tights you have! What a disturbing jumper! (Yes I know you got two but whatevs I hate you twice as much as the average bear.)
7. You are doing great.
8. I am so worried for you. I don't know if you can (or will, i guess) do this without being told what to do, but I guess that doesn't say much for me.
9. Back off, beeotch!
10. Our house has a revolving door. We have a Mary Poppins date. Don't forget?
11. On and off, but the On was short this time. *phew!*
12. If I am going to spend 75+ hours locked in either a smelly room or a dark hole, I'm glad it's with you!
13. You a crazy bitch. P.S. Please do not wear different gaudy dangly earrings in each ear again, it is too hard to learn math and biology AND spanish when I am laughing that hard. (Oh God, I just realized I have 4 classes with you, GROSS!)
14. You make fun of me for it, but I do laugh at pretty much everything you say.
15. I miss you I miss you I miss you. We don't even live that far apart. What is WRONG with us?


titothegreat said...

i'm not sure if i hate 2/6 or 13 more... i hate them both so much... i'm not sure which is worse

p.s. your word verification ALMOST says tupac

Anonymous said...

In respnse to #6

All the better to dose with lighter fluid, my dear!

Ha ha this word verification says
po' mo fo
