Saturday, August 05, 2006


I can't believe it's over.
The last two weeks went by without me even taking the time to notice that the days were actually passing.
Getting home, everything seems to be in the exact state I left it in, at home it feels like I never left at all. A perfect way to describe it would be to say it feels like the last two weeks at LEP were part of an alternate reality, one so much better than the one in which I sleep until noon, check myspace, and go days and days at a time without being around anyone. The LEP universe is perfect. I want that one to continue. In that one, the days are long, we waste very little time sleeping. Or relaxing in any way, it would seem. Every moment, you are surrounded by two dozen people who surpass the term 'friend.' They are all the loves of your life, and the joy in seeing them reappear every time you open your eyes from blinking is what makes LEP the best place in my life. We talked about the gifts we would give if we could give everyone one thing, and Travis said he would make it so everyone always felt the love they do at LEP. I think it was Jay who said he wanted everyone to lose their shells, inhibitions, to gain that level of trust and enlightenment you experience every moment there. I want to be able to give true appreciations to anyone, that is to thank them sincerely for something they did that touched you or helped you become the best version of yourself without that person feeling awkward at all. I want to be able to do the hot seat with my friends, a game in which one person sits in the middle of a circle of 6 or so, and has to be absolutely silent while the others compliment you and sing your praises for 3 straight minutes. If someone were to start Jill's activity, where two lines of people line up facing eachother with their arms out and someone runs and dives into the line to be caught and passed down, could you trust everyone you know in real life to catch you?
To always be with the people you love, to never have the opportunity to be lonely, to be loved and acknowledged every minute of every day, that is the gift LEP gives you.
If only it could be real for more than one twenty-sixth of the year.


titothegreat said...

even so, i can't tell you how infinitely glad i am that you're back... i missed you more than i can even describe. i hate not having my kayla!!!!!!!!