Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It is Over.

It's over. The waiting, nights waking up in literally a cold sweat, terrorizing every moment that I would end up having to apply to Red Rocks because I didn't apply to any schools I could get into.

Now that's all done.

The verdict is . . . . I am IN.

to DU!

I'm going to go to college!

Now if Claremont McKenna would only let me know...
you know, I would almost be fine if they rejected me. Being close to my best friends is plenty incentive to stay in the state I like a lot anyway.
But don't take that too seriously, CMC. I still adore you.

*First sigh of relief in 6 months*


Anonymous said...


Allison said...

YAY! me too! exciting times ahoy!

Charles Johnson said...

Good luck!

I'm a Claremont McKenna student and I hope you get in!