Wednesday, August 10, 2005

All These Humans and Not a Bite to Eat...

Hello faithful web-zombies -

Call me crazy, but I don't like summer vacation. It's too easy to be ignored when there are no people around. It's really just an excuse to not have to talk to somone for two and a half months and then still have them like you when you get back to school. Can you imagine what would happen if you didn't speak to your friend from September to Mid-December? While in school, namely? Lines of communication would permanently be downed, never to be re-established.

It is something a few of my close friends know about me; I cannot stand being ignored. Hate me, fine, bitch me out, great, at least you acknowledge me and that you have an opinion about me. It sucks to be ignored by those you don't like; its one-hundred times worse to think someone is a really close friend and then for them to never acknowledge you as as close as you may feel to them. That exact senario has been plaguing me for the whole summer. My game plan is when school starts again I can be obnoxiously obviously present. Because I am just cool like that.