Wednesday, August 10, 2005

And then there was LIFE

Yes, friends and stalkers, it is finally come to pass. My parents have re-bestowed upon me the sacred rite of... internet!!!

As my first act of joining the fake world, I read Kenton's blog. And somehow it reminded me that I have a place out there where I used to talk to the world. It was called a blog. So with the new Kentonian inspiration under my belt, I started off on my retelling of my life and thoughts. haha, you are screwed.

So If you know me at all, you prolly know that I spent the last 2 weeks at my favorite place in the world, SEP. I would try to explain why its so special, but i tried to explain to my friend Travis and I think his head fell off. In short, it is a camp built for us 'smart' nerds to come and frolick with other nerds. Everyone there accepts you, and its a weird feeling, but its nice too. I made some crazy good friends, was introduced to some great books and music, hyper extended my knee so i couldnt walk on it for 2 days w/o crazy limpage, and I shoved Jello into places my roomate didnt know she had. Good times, good times.

And now to avoid the whole making you all read too much thing, I'll depart.