Wednesday, August 17, 2005

sThings are coming along... tho not nicely.

Alo there friends and monkeys:

I stayed up really late last night. This webcomic that Kenton recommended called questionable content ( ) I like a lot, but it's really Indie music oriented, and often mocks the music I like. I'd been keeping a list of all the bands mentioned in the comic, none of which I had ever heard of. Finally last night I went onto Amazon to sample the bands, and I'll tell you, they're different... but hella good! Amazon does free legal downloads on some bands, so I went through the list and downloaded whatever legalness had to offer me. I came up with a KickAss CD, listed here:

1. Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) - The Arcade Fire
2. The Engine Driver - The Decemberists
3. NYC - Interpol
4. He's A Mighty Good Leader - Beck
5. Hundred Stories - Aloha
6. Believo! - Enon
7. Lua - Bright Eyes
8.Without MSG I Am Nothing - McLusky
9. 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong - Mogwai
10. Banquet - Bloc Party
11. All My Friends - Pavement
12. In A Funny Way - Mercury Rev
13. Gold Mine Gutted - Bright Eyes
14. Freak Scene - Dinosaur Jr
15. He War - Cat Power

A Reminder - All of these songs are free, legal downloads on, but if you go to Lakewood I will gladly burn you this very CD and bring it Tuesday. For that matter, if I do happen to owe you any CDs I said I'd burn you a millenia ago, (that goes double for Lauren and Cacia, I owe you guys like a million CDs) I shall burn them ready to distract you in math the very first day!

In other news, I've been practicing my cello for a grand total of NINE hours today, to be ready for my damn chair audition the first day of school... This music is so hard I could cry... especially that damn E minor scale... I think I much deserve this BlogBreak, just as I much deserve...

A CHERRY PUSH POP THAT ISNT SPRING LOADED!!!! finally, i get cherry-flavored goodness that i have to administer by me lonesome!

S'bout all, back to tortu... i mean practice.

-Kayla, whose fingers feel like theyre gonna fall off...


Lauren said...

yessss! i was mentioned in a blog other than my own! i would loooove it if you could burn me those cds (i forget which ones they were, deathcab and somehting else i think... plus the new one.) that orch music is damn hard! i am very screwed, as i have praciticed it a grand total of 50 minutes... shit. and we have to brave orch all alone this year! i'm betting that will mean fewer and fewer orgies. what a shame.

Kayla said...

aww its okay, we can always corrupt future sexy cellos and violas! and nathan!

Lisa-loo-hoo said...

Yesh! That is the kick-hiney-est list ever. If you would like some random other stuff that you may or may not like, well here:
~Ponies in the surf (ventricle)
~Washington Social club (not a rock star)
~Hot Hot Heat (middle of nowhere)
~Rilo Kiley (the frug)
~Pink Martini (hold on little tomato)

You've prolly heard them all, but oh, well... I won't be able to live if I don't plug them a little bit. They're not exactly like the same style of music, but you still might like them. Try googling them (they all have websites) or typing them into the search bit on windows media player. Not all of them can be downloaded, but you can still listen to them. I hope you like them, they're kinda softer (except pink martini because that is jazz)

oh, well... good hunting.